What is Life Coaching?

What is Life Coaching?

Life coaching occasionally explores a client’s past but it does so to recall successes and sources of inspiration, not hang-ups. Life coaches start in the client’s present and work toward a better future.

Career direction

Are you a parent who wants to help your child identify career paths? Does your high schooler have no idea what to do after attaining their diploma, have no career goals, or are uncertain about their future? 

Are you struggling with your current career or seeking a more fulfilling one? 

Anxiety and Improving Low Self-esteem and Other Personal Challenges

Do you suffer from anxiety or overwhelming emotions that impact your quality of life? 

Is low self-esteem keeping you from enjoying life to its fullest? Do you feel self-conscious about your appearance? Do you wish you could change the way you look on the outside to reflect who you are on the inside? 

Difficult life challenges

Perhaps you’ve been through a divorce and don’t know how to pick up the pieces of your life and start over. Maybe you have no clue how to co-parent with your ex without disrupting your children’s relationship. Are you in a blended family that’s not blended? 

Have your children left home, and you don’t know what to do with the extra time? Maybe you’re struggling with their departure? 

You’re excited about retirement but uncertain about what to do.


Are you struggling to find the right partner, dating, or maintaining healthy relationships? 

Or perhaps you and your partner are seeking a more harmonious relationship. 

If you are struggling with any of these issues, life coaching with Rosa at Talavera, LLC Life Coaching may help you.