Agism and its Impact on Today’s Society

For most women, aging is difficult. Seeing a reflection in the mirror that does not resemble what you looked like when you were young could lead to low self-esteem, decreased confidence, and even shame. 

Social media platforms don’t provide relief and often add to anguish. They are a grim reminder of fleeting youth, present unrealistic standards of how you should look, and feature an array of product ads encouraging consumers to buy products or gadgets to reverse aging signs. 

There’s nothing wrong with looking your best at any age. If a product or treatment makes you feel confident about yourself and helps you look refreshed and youthful, I’m all for it. However, when women use invasive treatments and procedures to alter their appearance, they could end up not appearing unnatural and in some cases less attractive than if they aged naturally. 

Some surgeries are done well, and I’m not saying no to plastic surgery. You must do what makes you happy. The message I’m getting across is that aging will happen and I can’t help but wonder, how much are we willing to do to prevent it? 

Growing up old is a privilege to be embraced and cherished each day. We are not less than we were because we don’t look how we did in our 20s. Our worth is not represented through outer appearances. There needs to be a change in our internal narrative. If you’re in the mindset that youth defines you, you might be setting yourself up for emotional pain. No matter what you do, your body will age and you can’t control that. What you can control is how you deal with it.

If you start changing your thoughts instead of seeing a dull old woman in the mirror, you’ll see a woman who’s worked hard, perhaps raised a family or traveled the world, has lived a successful and fulfilling life, or has overcome many challenges. I guarantee you won’t mind the wrinkles that define your existence. To me, they’re almost like success badges. 

I struggled for so long in my early 50s with aging. At the end of the day, I realized that there are more significant things in life to focus on. These include enjoying life and loving my family. You don’t worry so much about wrinkles when your mind is focused on doing the things you’ve always wanted to do but couldn’t do when you were younger. 

My advice is to have fun, age gracefully, and you’ll have less to worry about. We are beautiful at any age. And always remember that you are as beautiful as you see yourself.